Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Quilts from 2024 and What's in Store for 2025

I actually enjoy the quietness of January.  Because I live in the Northeast, we tend to get a lot of snow every winter.  This makes me want to stay in and find peace in the down times.  It's a much slower pace of life, maybe because it gets dark out so early.  My evenings are filled with handwork such as crocheting, watching tv or reading.  

Winter is a good time to spend the whole day in the sewing room or stamping rooms without any fear of missing out on anything going on outside - Ha ha.  

Last year I worked on finishing up some UFO's - my unfinished quilts and projects.  Sadly, I only got 4 more quilts finished!  And there's still a LOT more in the (naughty) pile!

Here are my 4 finished quilts from 2024:

1.  The Bowtie quilt for my granddaughter

2.  The Irish Chain quilt for my daughter's new home

3.  The Red Quilt for myself so that I can have a quilt in every color

4.  The Flowered Chandelier quilt for one of my friends

My goal this year is to finish up at least 6 more so that I can start on some new quilting projects. I have lots of fabric fat quarters and jelly rolls that are ready to get used!  I have been making each of my friends a quilt, and the list is only half complete.  So there's work to do - LOL.

This weekend I'm going on a sewing retreat and I hope to get some more things finished.  But we'll see.  

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