Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Tan Colored Hotpads and Bowl Cozies

This week I made a couple of hot pads and bowl cozies for a friend.  I didn't know her kitchen colors so I made them using tans, which I thought was a neutral color. I cut my tans into strips, about 1.75 to 2" wide and then sewed them down onto a piece of heat-resistant batting.  I really like how they came out. I need to make some of these for myself!  

I like to free-motion quilt my bowl cozies - it mades them look more finished.  It takes a little bit longer, but I like the quilted style.  You can use them for hot dishes or cold dishes, like ice cream.  :)

Of course, no gift from me would be complete without the addition of a couple of little birds.  I added some crocheted flowers and buttons to them for their wings.  You can put them on a shelf or in a bowl as decor.  As always, I had fun making them.  

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