Monday, March 10, 2025

Sweater Hearts and More

If you know me, you know that I like to go to thrift shops.  You also know that I LOVE to make things from used sweaters.  Last week I picked up a pretty magenta-colored sweater, washed it and made up some sweet stuffed hearts.

What can you do with these hearts?  I like to decorate with them - put them in a bowl or basket and set them out on the table.  Or you can put them on a shelf as a piece of interest.

After I stitched up some hearts from the sweaters, I looked at my fabrics to see if anything matched them.  I found this cute Tilda fabric and made some little pincushions to match the hearts.

They kind of all go together as a collection.  I usually sew antique buttons on some of them to give them a bit of embellishment.  

After I made the pincushions, I went into the stamping room to see if I had any papers to match my project.  I painted a small wooden block and added some pretty papers from Stampin Up along with a Bible verse.  I love how it turned out and matches the hearts.  :)

Then I made a fridge magnet to match.  I had fun in my craft rooms and I call that a wonderful creative day.  


Colorful Door Banner

 This weekend I had a sewing retreat at my house and made this colorful door banner.  I found the idea for it in American Patch and Quilting magazine and it was made by Sherri McConnell.

I thought the idea was really cute so I made it using fabrics from Corey Yoder.  I happen to have a whole box of them.  But they're just so pretty, I hate even cutting them up!

I worked up my own pattern for the little house.  The one in the magazine was only 4" big and I wanted something around 6."  It took a bit longer to make than I expected; I was hoping to have 2 completed by the end of the weekend.  But I'm glad to have at least this one - I love how it turned out and of course, I want to make more of these!

I'm going to donate this banner to my quilt guild to be raffled off in April.  I usually make some sort of quilty prize for our monthly drawings.  

The banner doesn't have to be hung only on a front door.  I think it can be hung in any room where you need something colorful.  I have a quilt kit in these fabrics and one of these days, I hope to make it.  Maybe I'll make another banner to match it.  :)

Quilt #1 for 2025 - The Brown and Pink Quilt


I finally finished this Brown & Pink quilt!  I think I started it in 2008 and because these colors are not really my style anymore, I never finished it.

It's a long quilt and it actually came out kind of nice in the end.  :)  I saw a photo in a magazine ad and liked the half-square triangle look with the added rectangle of sashing.  It's made from Henry Glass fabrics and all these years I've called it the "brown and pink" quilt. 

Because I liked the fabric years ago, I have a lot of sewing accessories made from it - wall hanging, sewing machine mat, zippered pouches and pin cushions.  I usually bring these with me when I go on sewing retreats.  

For the machine quilting, I did an overall stipple with swirls in it.  I think it turned out nice.  

What will I do with this quilt?  I'm not sure.  I may find someone who still likes these colors and give it to them.