Monday, March 10, 2025

Colorful Door Banner

 This weekend I had a sewing retreat at my house and made this colorful door banner.  I found the idea for it in American Patch and Quilting magazine and it was made by Sherri McConnell.

I thought the idea was really cute so I made it using fabrics from Corey Yoder.  I happen to have a whole box of them.  But they're just so pretty, I hate even cutting them up!

I worked up my own pattern for the little house.  The one in the magazine was only 4" big and I wanted something around 6."  It took a bit longer to make than I expected; I was hoping to have 2 completed by the end of the weekend.  But I'm glad to have at least this one - I love how it turned out and of course, I want to make more of these!

I'm going to donate this banner to my quilt guild to be raffled off in April.  I usually make some sort of quilty prize for our monthly drawings.  

The banner doesn't have to be hung only on a front door.  I think it can be hung in any room where you need something colorful.  I have a quilt kit in these fabrics and one of these days, I hope to make it.  Maybe I'll make another banner to match it.  :)

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