This week I have been working on making some quilted coasters for some of my family. This set is going to be for my son and daughter-in-law, so I made them to match their table runners. I decided on a 9-patch block for their coaster sets. I even put Thinsul-Brite batting inside of them to keep the hot cups from "sweating" through the fabric.
For the next set, I made pinwheel blocks in some cheetah fabric. These are for my daughter who loves animal prints. After I finished sewing them, I wrapped each set in a bow and added a little stamped tag to complete the homemade look.
These coaster sets are a lot of fun to make. They are a quick and easy project that can go in any room.
He doesn't know it yet, but I made them in same colors as the quilt that I have been working on for him! Shh! Don't tell.
Which pattern do you like the best? What colors would you use for the striped blocks? Wouldn't they pretty in the colors of the rainbow? I will have to try that idea next. But I think I'll wait until after Christmas!